Impression des Finalkonzertes von Angela Chan an der Seite der NDR Radiophilharmonie unter der Leitung von Stephan Zilias

Angela Chan and Jacques Forestier win the Joseph Joachim Prize


Die Finalist*innen des Joseph Joachim Violinwettbewerbs 2024, Angela Chan und Jacques Forestier nach der Preisvergabe am 28. September
The winners have been announced!
The Joseph Joachim Prize 2024 goes to two finalists: Angela Chan and Jacques Forestier.

We would very much like to congratulate both of them and all the other prizewinners. 
Here you can find all the prizewinners
Der Showtime-Workshop 2024 filmt das Semifinale in der HMTMH
Video documentary “I want to be moved”
As part of the media workshop “Showtime”, a video documentary about the Joseph Joachim Violin Competition 2024 was created that is well worth watching. The film offers an interesting look behind the scenes and captures different perspectives on the competition.
Click here for the documentary
Die Finalist*innen des Joseph Joachim Violinwettbewerbs 2024
The finalists have been announced!
The jury of the 12th edition of the Joseph Joachim Violin Competition has announced the three finalists:

Angela Chan
Jacques Forestier
Kyumin Park
Finalists 2024
Die Semifinalist*innen der 12. Ausgabe des Joseph Joachim Violinwettbewerbs
The semifinalists have been announced
The competition jury has decided. These are our eight semifinalists: 

Alexander Won-Ho Kim, Eunjoong Park, Alexandra Weissbecker, Louisa Staples, Kyumin Park, Angela Chan, Jacques Forestier, Xunyue Zhang
Here you can find the individual concert dates
12. Joseph Joachim Violinwettbewerb, Eröffnung, Teilnehmer*innen, 15.09.2024
The order of performance 2024
The Joseph Joachim Violin Competition 2024 has started! The order of performance for the preliminary rounds 1 and 2 was drawn on September 15. You can now find the exact concert dates for the 21 participants in the competition schedule. 
Competition schedule
Joseph Joachim Violinwettbewerb 2021: Konzert Javier Comesaña, Finale am 10.10.2021
Advance ticket sales
The tickets for the Joseph Joachim Violin Competition 2024 are on advance ticket sales. Purchase tickets for the preliminary and semi-final rounds at the HMTMH and for the final in the Großer Sendesaal at the NDR Konzerthaus now.
Goldene Preisstatuette des Violinwettbewerbs, gestaltet von Sebastian Peetz
Jury for the competition
In view of the diverse professional opportunities for violinists, the artistic directors, Antje Weithaas and Oliver Wille, changed the composition of the jury in 2021. Since then, the competition jury has been made up of violinists as well as personalities from within the concert world. In 2024 Soprano Juliane Banse will chair the jury.
Learn more
Die Porträtbüste von Joseph Joachim in der Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover. Die Büste im Hintergrund ist scharf zu erkennen, im Vordergrund unscharf eine junge Geigerin im roten Kleid
This year, two new scholarships will be awarded for the first time as part of the Joseph Joachim Violin Competition: karsten witt music management GmbH is sponsoring a selected participant with a music management course at the kwmm Academy. In addition, Kronberg Academy is sponsoring two young violinists by offering them participation in its violin master class.
Learn more
Die Künstlerische Leitung des Violinwettbewerbs: Antje Weithaas (rechts) und Oliver Wille (links). Beide halten eine Geige in der Hand. Oliver Wille lacht in die Kamera, Antje Weithaas schaut ihn lachend an.
We are looking for curious minds who have perfect command of their instrument and at the same time are humble servants of great composers and their scores - young artists who boldly strive for individuality and make bold musical statements with the violin: Musicians whose voices evoke deep emotions and display an extraordinary degree of versatility.
Antje Weithaas and Oliver Wille (Artistic directors of the competition)